First Visit
What to expect during your visit?

- Patient History – You will be asked about your general and eye health.
- Vision Testing – You will read from a chart to test your visual function.
- Tonometry – The pressure in your eyes will be measured.
- Dilation – Your pupils will be dilated. Dilation makes your pupils open wide, so the doctor can get a clear view of the inside of your eye. Dilation will make your eye sensitive to light and typically lasts up to 3 hours. Many patients prefer to bring someone to drive them to and from appointments.
- Eye Exam – Your doctor will perform a thorough examination of your eyes.
- Other Testing – Depending on your eye condition you may require additional testing.
How long will the appointment take?
- Patients who are visiting us for the first time can be in our office for a few hours as a series of diagnostic testing will be performed. Diagnostic tests will help the physician determine the diagnosis and proper treatment options.
- If you are coming in for a follow-up appointment, your office visit can last up to a couple hours depending on testing needed.
What to bring to your visit?
- List of all health conditions and allergies
- List of all your medications and supplements
- Your questions and concerns you have about your eyes
See the insurance page to find out what insurances we accept. For your convenience, you can complete your patient forms prior to your first visit.